Hello everyone! This week I sang Arabian Nights from Aladdin! yeah!
I am finally back to singing after being sick and what a song to start recording with holy moly. What a doozie. Someone mentioned that I only have one more song until I finish evey one from Aladdin which is so weird to think about. The last one left is A Whole New World and then I’m ✨free✨. Or maybe I’ll just never cover it out of spite. Who knows.
As always, thank you all so much for your continued love and support! I hope you have a fantastic week and I’ll see you all next Saturday.
You can save the single here!: https://ffm.to/arabiannights
• Credits • “Arabian Nights - Will Smith/Robin Williams (Aladdin)”
Artwork - zaya_nalenthi [https://twitter.com/zaya_nalenthi + https://zaya.gallery/]
Vocals - Anna (that’s me)
(thank you to everyone who helped make this cover possible! mwuah many kisses to u)
✨Follow me!✨
Discord: https://discord.gg/annapantsu
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/annapantsu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/annapantsu
Instagram: https://instagram.com/annapantsuu/
Website: https://annapantsu.com
✨Contact me!✨
Artist/Musician Inquiries:
(for anyone interested in providing illustrations or instrumentals for my covers)
submissions @annapantsu.com
Business Inquiries:
annaoliviamarch @gmail.com
#ArabianNights #annapantsu #coverartist