#justkatebake #recepti #cake #kolači #dessert #recipe #cooking #baking
Sastojci - ingrediants
Tijesto - dough
450 g brasna - flour
1 kvasac - instant yeast
2 zl secera u prahu - icing sugar
1 vanil secer - vanilla sugar
1 jaje - whole egg
125 g otopljenog maslaca - melted butter
250 ml toplog mlijeka - lukewarm milk
Limunova korica - lemon zest
Make the dough and let it rise for 1 hour. Divide into 3 equal parts roll, fill and let it rise again for 10-15 min. Bake in preheated oven at 170* 20 min.
Nadjev - filling
300 g pekmeza po zelji - jam (apricot or plum)
2 zl secera - tbsp of sugar
2 vanil secera - vanilla sugar
2 zl mlijeka - tbsp of milk
300 g mljevenih oraha - grated wallnuts
Enjoy 😘❤️