Longplay, or rather walkthrough / playthrough of HYPER SPORTS the arcade / coin-op from Konami played on 'easy' settings - this is the sequel to "Track & Field"!
*** HIGH QUALITY / HD VERSION UPLOADED HERE - http://youtu.be/qki5YMVBtoA ***
(Stupid YouTube thought this 1GB+ avi file was only 240p ???)
So I was recording some footage of the arcade version for my Amstrad video review of the conversion, when I actually did pretty well for my first ever go on this! So I decided to record my 2nd go on this game and here we are!
Yes, it's EASY settings and I make a few mistakes. I'm not an expert and this isn't an 'expert video' - *this is my 2nd play ever on this game* - however I had played Track & Field a lot years ago, and the Amstrad version has similar gameplay mechanics in terms of when to hit buttons, angles to use, etc so that helped. So consider this more a playthrough to see each of the levels and roughly what you need to do. On the Skeet Shooting level I was suffering slow down from the video recording which made this difficult to time right, but you'll notice my high score from my earlier first game there!
(aka - "Hyper Olympic '84" in Japan)
(c) Konami 1984