Ok heres the download i guess
REMASTER (GET THIS!!): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p8IPIEoEfXCa8AfU2o6kt6eOPKoGWSWN/view?usp=sharing
Original (dont get this): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vqgfjZpTMVB7bRykKbct6U23yjUxsrNg/view?usp=sharing
tech fc tracker https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ve5-dCWzHxfmbYsTe-QS7OTa02V7vyVU1N1l8ZF8YZw/edit?usp=sharing
Here's the expert underchart by THREA: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DIg_043JnwFEIHbq7Wqv0yd-9nlmhS7e
24 hours in fl jesus christ
Huuuge thank you to everyone that helped:
Jacob (hyperbola) made the hard chart,
Jarvis9999 helped with sections and charting,
and Courtemanche, Jarvis9999, Instant Reality (supra), PixelGH, DeadShadow, Sidney, Mediograve, SuccyMsSuccerson, Hyperbola (jacob), DigitalSquirrel, Halfduck, and Aeon Bridge with the collab solos!
Also thanks Courtemache and Colorics for helping with the song a bit.
I just cant explain how much i appreciate all of you guys helping!