In the name of of Allah the Merciful
In this video, the Bluetooth HC-05 is explained in detail, how to enter the AT commands mode to change the name, password and other things, How to connect two Bluetooth devices to connect two Arduino boards together using MASTER SLAVE
The connecting and writing codes are explained in detail, as well as the datasheet of the BlueTooth HC-05, and then a practical example of how to connect two Arduino boards is explained with a detailed explanation of the connection, push button and LED connection is also showed
Link to code, Schematic and datasheet:
Video Chapters:
00:00 Introduction
01:20 AT commands mode
09:02 SLAVE setting
11:00 MASTER setting
14:15 BT HC-05 datasheet
18:10 Example
25:20 Test
26:31 End
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اردوينو طريقة ربط جهازين بلوتوث
اردوينو طريقة تغيير الاعدادات
طريقة تغيير اسم البلوتوث
طريقة تغيير الرقم السري بلوتوث
عمر وائل مرسي
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