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Are Dream Catchers Cultural Appropriation? (When to Use Dreamcatchers & When NOT to)

Mallory Rose 12,685 3 years ago
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Are Dream Catchers Cultural Appropriation? (When to Use Dreamcatchers & When NOT to) 💭 A M I A G O O D I N D I G E N O U S A L L Y ? / / ➡️ In many Native American tribes, a dream catcher is a handmade willow hoop woven to a web that creates a kind of net. They can include feathers and beads and are traditionally used as a form of protection to literally “catch” bad dreams, spirits, or other negative energy. But, if you’re not indigenous, is using a dreamcatcher considered cultural appropriation? It depends. That’s why in today’s video, we’re covering 5 factors that will help you determine whether you’re appropriating Indigenous culture with your dreamcatcher use. #Indigenous #indigenouspeoplesday #indigenouspeoples 🪶 H O W T O M A K E A D R E A M C A T C H E R ➡️ ⌚ T I M E S T A M P / / 0:00 - 0::46 Intro 0:46 - 1: 15 What is cultural appropriation? 1:15 - 1:49 What is a dreamcatcher? 1:49 - 2:30 Are dreamcatchers cultural appropriation for non Indigenous? 2:30 - 3:10 The key to avoiding cultural appropriation 3:10 - 4:10 How are you using your dreamcatcher? 4:10 - 5:13 Who is using the dream catcher? 5:13 - 6:01 Where are you hanging your dreamcatcher? 6:01 - 7:19 Are you selling dream catchers? 7:19 - 8:19 Who made the dreamcatcher? 8:19 - 8:48 Honoring the cultural significance of the Dream catcher 8:48 - 9:12 Outro 👊🏽 R E S I L I E N C Y W E E K W A I T L I S T ➡️ 🔥 J O I N O U R S M U D G E C I R C L E W A I T L I S T ➡️ 🦅 W H A T I S Y O U R S P I R I T A N I M A L ? / / ➡️ For more information on the sacred medicines and medicinal smudging ➡️ 🔥 S A C R E D M E D I C I N E S & S M U D G I N G G U I D E / / ➡️ 🦅 C E L E B R A T E I N D I G E N O U S P E O P L E S D A Y / / ➡️ 🔥 M E D I C I N E W H E E L P O S T E R / / ➡️ 🎥 C H E C K O U T T H E S E V I D E O S / / SWEETGRASS SMUDGING 🌿(Why & How to Smudge with Sweet Grass) Benefits of Smudging with Sage 🔥(5 Scientific Reasons to SMUDGE with Sage!) Where to Hang Dream Catcher (10 Places to Hang Your Dreamcatcher) ⭐️ F E A T U R E D P R O D U C T S / / SMUDGE KIT SAGE LARGE (8-9”) MINI SAGE SMALL SWEETGRASS BRAID 🏹 A B O U T T R I B A L T R A D E / / Our indigenous lifestyle products including moccasins in Canada can be found by visiting Tribal Trade Co in Curve Lake First Nation or ordered online at is a native-owned business offering moccasins, mukluks, accessories, native gifts, and medicinal smudging products. 🤗 C O N N E C T W I T H U S O N S O C I A L / / Instagram: Facebook: Facebook Group:
