Peter Williams is the Principal of Tyndale House Cambridge and a lecturer on Hebrew language at the University of Cambridge. He earned his M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge studying ancient languages related to the Bible.
In this lecture, Peter is talking to us about evidence we see through the Bible and through historical sources that the Gospels in the Bible are indeed reliable and are accurate, representing accurately what was originally written. He talks about names used, locations referenced, stories from the Gospels and many others to showcase the legitimacy and accuracy of these books.
Dr. Peter Williams is known for his debates with Bart Ehrman and his defending of the Bible through these discussions. Bart Ehrman is one of the most recognized critics of the New Testament.
Heart of a Man is a men's community based our Carmel, IN. We exist to deeply connect men with a brotherhood equally committed to learning, growing, walking through life together and deepening in faith. Our mission is to build men into character-driven, committed disciples of Jesus, equipped to forge healthy, life-giving relationships at home, at work, and in their communities.
Are the Gospels Historically Accurate?
Can the Bible be trusted?
How do we test the Bible?
Can i trust the Bible?
Can I trust the gospels?
Peter Williams
Peter Williams vs. Bart Ehrman
Bart Ehrman vs. Peter Williams
Are the Gospels Historically Accurate? // Dr. Peter Williams
#HeartofaMan #MensMinistry #PeterWilliams