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The PUMA VJTF in War Thunder is a German IFV that we all know and have loved or hated. This version comes with 4 Spike Missiles that as usual... fall a little short of the mark. Sometimes literally!
The PUMA IFV is no stranger to the game now. From the BONK BONK BONK of old where it pretty much ran a train on the matchmaker, to the point where it got put to a battle rating where it was a bit more balanced... it's still a solid IFV when compared to the Swedish over-tiered versions.
The PUMA this time around got Spike ATGM's that are fire and forget. The problem is, for some reason they don't really behave very well compared to the Namer. This makes you play in a way where you're not relying on the Spikes so effectively we have a 10.0 PUMA at 10.7 with 4 near useless missiles.
I still really enjoy the PUMA despite not enjoying IFV's in general, so it was at least a little bit fun to play! :)
German cats, man. Can't get away from them!
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