A lot of women struggle with ovulating early in their cycles and worry whether it lowers their chances of getting pregnant naturally.
Estrogen dominance is one of the most common reasons for ovulating early but there are some other possible reasons as well. In this video I share how the hormones FSH, estrogen & LH work together in the first half of our cycles to mature an egg, and how an imbalance in each can cause you to ovulate early. Of course we also talk about how ovulating early can affect your chances of getting pregnant.
[PLAYLIST] Ovulation & all that jazz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnyAgVnC2Jg&list=PLVI_vcHa8lH54BANpMk1r6CyoDgMCbmCU
[PLAYLIST] Estrogen dominance/low progesterone & getting pregnant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gl1398CDVo&list=PLVI_vcHa8lH4UNzTorLYevBYZlZXVttoZ
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Wondering _when_ you are fertile and _how_ fertile you really are? *Sign up to my FREE course Your Fertile Window* and learn to find your personal fertile window & to discover if you have a hormone imbalance: https://ingefleur.kartra.com/page/yourfertilewindow
*Prep for Baby* is now open! Prep for Baby contains ALL the basic elements I think a couple should have covered to make their trying to conceive journey shorter and give the pregnancy and their baby the best start possible. *INCLUDING Heavy metals, plastics & birth control detoxing.*
_That means that YES, this program is ALSO for those that have been trying for a while, because if you haven’t covered the basics I have identified as essential to prepare for a pregnancy, it’s time to go back to the basics._ *Read more & sign up here:* https://ingefleur.kartra.com/page/prepforbaby