Let me introduce you to the Thai best items for 2024 that Minsri and Hansa recommends after trying them herself 🎉!!
Please note that the price may change for each shopping mall based on the shooting date.
I hope you have a wonderful trip in Thailand ❤❤
📍Big C Supercenter Ratchadamri
🎵Music provided by 브금대통령
🎵Track : 비틀비틀 - https://youtu.be/kkTYGStJ968
Music provided by 브금대통령
Track : 비밀이야 - https://youtu.be/GyNWP_QHP-8
🎵Music provided by 브금대통령
🎵Track : 오히려 좋아 - https://youtu.be/NM0Hlcn-Wh4
🎵Music provided by 브금대통령
🎵Track : 등짝스매싱 - https://youtu.be/UNLRynbm7Cc