As the AZPT adventure continues into day 3, Kirk & Darren continue their offraod adventure visiting a wide variety of interesting spurs in the Hualapai Mountains. However they eventually realize they've underestimated the moving speed of this mountainous terrain and must prioritize descending from the Hualapai Mountains before freezing temperatures make tent camping dangerous.
Day 3 Spurs with Coordinates:
Gold King Mansion & Mine - Hualapai: 35.02648, -113.83664
Survivalist Camp - Hualapai: 35.01657, -113.94612
Petroglyphs off Walnut Creek Trail - Yucca: 35.03500, -113.96795
Boriana Mine - Yucca: 34.93704, -113.91868
Goldfish pond - Yucca: 34.93763, -113.91652
Day 3 Tracks:
Full Trip Tracks:
Arizona Peace Trail Route with Waypoints:
AZPT Official Facebook Group:
AZPT Website:
A special thanks to AZ Game & Fish, Yuma, Mohave & La Paz counties, AZ State Parks & Trails, BLM, AZ State Lands & the AZPT volunteers who maintain the AZ Peace Trail.
If you would like to donate to the AZPT non-profit organization who maintains these trail systems please send donations to:
Arizona Peace Trail
P.O. Box 878
Bouse, AZ, 85325
If you cannot donate please consider picking up one piece of trash at every destination.