A buying guide for the upcoming first-time added yellow certificate shop operators for the year 2025
I will try my best to update the video chapters to include dates when available, so please leave a comment whenever the date for an operator is confirmed
For upcoming rerun operators, you should watch NFZen
NFZen :https://www.youtube.com/@nfzen7482
00:00 Beginners should only use certs to buy operators
00:51 How the shop rotation works
01:35 Dorothy
02:15 Mlynar
03:19 Stainless
05:21 Penance
06:50 Reed the Flame Shadow
07:51 Lin
09:03 Qiubai
09:59 Ines
10:56 Ho’olheyak
12:40 Executor the Ex Foedere
14:38 Swire the Elegant Wit
16:27 Typhon
18:08 Jessica the Liberated
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