???: "....you ..ear..e..ca...h..ea...me, Kira!...."
Ayre: "The signal is fading. Getting farther. There's a lot of interference, but it might be coming from the Xylem."
Kira: "It's already fallen into the atmosphere. We won't be able to help. That voice sounds familiar...No. There's no one here that I know."
Ayre: "Kira, you've been fighting for several hours now. Let's get some rest once the Coral is freed. We can even find some ships to get you home. There should be a few at LOC Station 31. As a key part of the Closure System there's sure to be many for interstellar logistics. Perhaps that's the reason ALLMIND called us there. We can witness the Coral being freed and go home immediately."
Kira: "....Home, huh. It's been nearly two years. I wonder, if Lacus is still waiting..."
Ayre: "Capital Planet News confirmed the search for you still hasn't stopped. It was hard to find out since most humans outside of the Earth's system don't consider it important."
Kira: "Arriving at the rendezvous point. Sensor interference. There seems to be a lot of debris in the area. AC parts? I'm reading no life signs in the station whatsoever. Did ALLMIND kill everyone from Arquebus?"
Ayre: "AC detected ahead. Identification unknown."
Kira: "Visual. Magnify. Is that....Kate Markson?"
ALLMIND: "Look. The Coral siphoned by the corporations is beginning to resonate."
Ayre: "Kira, that's not Kate Markson. I don't think Kate Markson ever existed."
ALLMIND: "Augmented Coodinator C4-621 -- Kira Yamato. Your role has come to an end."
Kira: "I've heard those same words before. Ayre, get ready. We have a fight coming our way."
Iguazu: "Well, well...I've been waiting for this freelancer."
Kira: "Iguazu!?"
Ayre: "AC MIND GAMMA!...wait..there's more!"
Iguazu: "I became part of this monster...so I could crush you. This time, you will die."
Ayre: "Kira-- ALLMIND's real goal.. It's..."
Kira: "Those ACs are like Orbits or DRAGOONs guarding MIND GAMMA. Taking it out should take them all down. But looks like they won't let me. Let's see just how powerful the Coral Freedom's generator really is! Assault Armor...NOW!"
ALLMIND: "C4-621-- Kira. C-pulse wave mutation -- Ayre. You are the trigger for Coral Release. We will make you one with us."
Iguazu: "I don't care about the big plan. I just want the damn freelancer DEAD!"
Kira: "Sorry, but I don't remember scheduling myself for a brain transplant."
Ayre: "The last MIND ALPHA AC is down! You've won against Iguazu plenty of times, Kira. And you've already faced MIND GAMMA before. You can do this!"
ALLMIND: "Iguazu. This body won't last."
Iguazu: "...Guess it's time."
Ayre: "Kira, ALLMIND's going to try something. I've got an idea too."
Kira: "Whatever you're doing-- make it quick! I've detected something launch from the space station dock, heading this way fast. Its energy readings are off the scale!"
ALLMIND: "You are aberrations to the plan. Irregulars. We will bring order to chaos."
Ayre: "I'm with you, Kira. Now, I can fight by your side."
ALLMIND: "ACs based on Gundams are flawed. Inefficient and defective compared to the real ones on Earth. Prepare for integration."
Kira: "If there's one thing I've learnt, anything carrying the name 'Gundam' is not to be taken lightly. Even ACs. Let's do this, Ayre! Let's show them what even a taste of the Freedom's and Unicorn's power can do!"
* * * * *
ALLMIND: "Our plan...Humanity...Creation's potential..."
Kira: "We were never against you, ALLMIND. You who helped me more than anybody else. You should have trusted us, just as we trusted you."
Ayre: "We have the trigger. And we'll pull it ourselves."
Kira: "...It's going to be harder operating an interstellar transport by ourselves. But I'm sure we can handle it."
Ayre: "That won't be necessary, Kira. It's beginning...Coral Freedom. Isn't it...beautiful? Thank you...Kira."
* * * * *
Ayre: "Kira...You're finally awake. The Coral has carried us... Disseminated us across the stars."
Kira: "This feeling...My body..! The implants are gone! I'm human! No...wait...I'm human...But 'more'..."
Ayre: "The Coral has changed. So has humanity. Even so, we are all what we chose to be. Humans and Coral as one, or Humans and Coral separate but able to understand each other. Human, Coral, and ACs."
Shinn Asuka: "Kira? Is that you?"
Kira: "Shinn? You're here!"
Shinn: "What the hell is that weird Gundam you're in?"
Kira: "Strange, I was about to ask you the same thing."
Shinn: "Hey, who's piloting these ACs? UWAA!! There's no one inside!"
Kira: "We seem to be on Earth according to sensors. Is this a lake? I think we're in Canada."
Blue Cosmos remnant: "Coordinators! It's a whole mobile suit squad! How did you find our hideout!? Surround them!"
Kira: "Guess some people didn't change."
Shinn: "Sigh. What the hell..."
Ayre: "Main System: Activating Combat Mode."