অসমৰ সত্ৰসমূহ আৰু ইয়াৰ ঐতিহ্য ❤️ Art & Culture of Assam Facts Every Competitive Exam Aspirant Needs 🙏 @AssamCompetitiveExam
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অসমৰ সত্ৰসমূহ
In this video, I am discussing about Satras of Assam - A brief note ❤️
Art & Culture of Assam Facts Every Competitive Exam Aspirant Needs 🙏
In Assamese culture, Satras are religious centres and performing arts venues that are a unique feature of Vaishnavism.
The first Satra was established by Sankardeva.
The satras consist of a large prayer hall facing a simple shrine, surrounded by dormitories and bathing tanks for monks. The satras also offer guest accommodation where devotees and visitors worship Vishnu and Krishna and watch traditional bhaona performances.
Satra had influenced all aspects of Assamese society.
It had great impacts on the lifestyle of the people, their food habits, their speech and moral behaviour.
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