Why not Wednesday - art experiences. Experimenting with Dishwasher Rinse Aid! Adding rinse aid to your watercolours can create some amazing effects that you have to try!
I used some complimentary colours of green and crimson. It works really well with blue and crimson too as the blue splits away from the crimson, leaving behind lovely textures and patterns.
Latex free options include Pebeo brands in the main. Please ensure it states it is ‘latex free’ before purchase. Contact your own local supplier to check before purchase.
Most of the items I used in this video can be purchased from Bromley’s art supplies
This link will enable you to purchase at normal prices, whilst I may earn a few pennies for my art materials.
Next videos to watch on my channel:
Here’s my playlist to help you if you’re starting out with watercolour
Snowdrops tutorial
Paint a two colour watercolour
Here’s my playlist to help you if you’re starting out with watercolour
I’d love to see what you paint, so please email your paintings to [email protected] and I will share them in future videos.
Get inspired by items in your home.
Play about and see what happens.
Use any good effects in your next painting.
Hello and welcome to my channel ‘Dunnock Studio’. Art with a heart - from the heart of Norfolk, UK. My name is Jackie Smerdon and I am an artist and tutor living in the heart of Norfolk, UK. I took my adult learning C&G level 3 certificate in 2022, so I can better help you to learn to paint and draw. I believe art can be created by anyone who wants to learn and I am here to help. Complete beginners are welcome here. No question is a silly question, please ask anything! Ask any questions in the comments and suggestions for future videos. I hope you find it useful. If you do, it would be lovely if you could like and subscribe.
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Thank you and Happy Painting!
#watercolourforbeginners #learntopaint #experimentwithpaint