Art of Cross Examination in Court | BEST Cross Examination Techniques | Cross Examination Rules | Legal Gurukul
This video we will learn what is cross examination and the art of cross examination in court. Cross examination is an art which is developed by continuous practice, hard work and experience. Cross examination techniques are used in court to contradict the witness and extract the truth from the witness, which the witness is trying to hide. Cross examination is done after examination in chief. A person who has no formal law education do not know what is cross examination. This video explains the best rules and techniques of cross examination which will help in your case. There are certain situations which arise at the time of cross examination of witness are also explained. Thus this video covers the technical and practical aspects of cross examination in court. From family court battles to complex maintenance and DV cases cross examination is done in every case. So whether you are a lawyer, advocate, legal professional, law student, or a common man, this video will help you learn the art of cross examination.
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Advocate Piyush Mittal, LLB. LLM
Legal Gurukul
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