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Arthur VS Wukong| This is Why Lane Push is IMPORTANT | Honor of Kings Arthur Build & Guide

ADA Gaming HOK 1,537 lượt xem 1 month ago
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Enemy selected Wukong to challenge my Arthur in this gameplay. I reverted back to my original undying build which features Dragon's Rage. The game started off easy and we destroyed 6 enemy towers within 9 mins. I thought this is going to be an easy game until things started to change...
Watch the video to see how we were winning easily and then we have to fight hard to not lose.
Feel free to share your thoughts or opinion on what you think of Arthur and my recommended build. I will definitely reply to your comment!

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Arthur Episode: 21
Game Stats:
Game Mode: Rank Match
Score Rating: 8.5
91K damage done and 118K damage taken
KDA 6/5/6
Enemy in Clash Lane: Wu Kong

Skin in Game: Lionheart
About HOK Hero Arthur:
Arthur may be a simple hero but it does not mean he is not effective in certain lineup.
Tank with cc abilities
Best for Clash lane. Can also be used as Roamer or Jungle role.
Skills are easy to use. Great for beginners (Please don't 1v5).
Can consider to select when team use non-tank hero as roamer.
Avoid pick if enemies has long range heroes (Garo/Gan & Mo/ Huang Zhong/Shouyue as Etc) and team Jungle cannot cut enemy backline.
Did you know? Arthur Skill 1 can Silence Liang Ultimate.

Gameplay Items
Nettle Gauntlet
Lightfoot shoes
Boots of Tranquility
Blazing Cape
Cuirass of Savagery
Eye of Phoenix
Overlord's Platemail
Dragon Rage

Harmony, Void and Fate.

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