মুখস্ত নয় আর কোন রুল, শিখুন সবচেয়ে সহজ টেকনিক মাত্র দুই কথায়
An article is a word used to modify a noun, which is a person, place, object, or idea. Technically, an article is an adjective, which is any word that modifies a noun. Usually adjectives modify nouns through description, but articles are used instead to point out or refer to nouns.
Articles in English grammar means the correct use of a an in English Grammar.
This Lesson is created by wadud sir about the best technics in bangla for learning to use Articles a an and the.
There are two types of articles in english grammar. they are ---
1. Indefinite Article
2. Definite Article
To learn correct use of a an and the , you will have to know the differences and english grammar of using a or an and where to use a, an and where to use the .
Unknown Facts of Articles (A, An, The) |Articles in English Grammar এর Best বাংলা টেকনিক- Lesson 1
A, AN, and THE are called articles and they can be very confusing. Learn exactly when and how to use articles in English in this important grammar lesson
unknown Facts of Articles (A, An, The) | Articles in English Grammar | DSSSB, CTET, SSC CGL, KVS, UPSC,
Hey everyone!
In this video we have covered facts about A, An and The. You will be surprise to know how should we use of Articles in English Grammar and apply it in our day to day life. A, AN and The are the Articles which you can't deny to learn because of their use.
Watch the video till end and we will learn How to use A, AN and The.
Basic English Speaking Class-
Basic English মানে কি কি ? How to Start learning English Speaking & writing Skill -- part 1
A An । The
একটা নির্দিষ্ট
a e i o u (vowels)
সংক্ষিপ্ত টাইটেল।ইউ উচ্চারন
উপরের সমস্যা গুলির সমাধান O – One – তার পুর্বে a
--a- one taka note. --a-- one eyed man. --- -- orange
O এর পুর্বে H= ‘হ’ উচ্চারিত হলে a না হলে an
--an- onest. ---an- hour.
--a-- horse --a-- holiday
U – ইউ উচ্চারিত হলে a না হলে an
-a-- university --a-- unique idea
--an- umbrella
--an-- uncultured man
পদবী টাইটেল সংক্ষিপ্ত শব্দের প্রথম অক্ষর vowel উচ্চারিত হলে a না হলে an
---an-- F C P S. ---an-- M. A.
---a-- B.A.
---an- L.L.B
কিছু কিছু Phrase আছে যাদের সামনে সবসময় a বসে যেমন --- a great / a long / a little / a small / a few / a lot / a large / a number etc.
The নির্দিস্ট/একক/সমষ্টি
Of এর একটা শব্দ পুর্বে সাধারনত the বসে
--the-- People of Bangladesh.
---the --- rate of dollar.
----the---- mangoes of Rajshahi .
----the -- students of Dhaka University.
শব্দের শেষে st / est ------ The
--the- first --the-- latest --the--- biggest
--the-- most beautiful
একক বা সমষ্টিগত বুঝালে তার পূর্বে The বসে
---the-- sun. --the--- east.
----the-- moon.
---the--- educated. ---the---- Poor ----the - Riches
---an--- educated man’ ----a-- poor man.
-Basic English Speaking Class - কিভাবে বাংলা থেকে ইংরেজি শিখা শুরু করবেন - Part - 4
Do you know how to translate in English From Bengali to English? Learn daily English conversation words with meaning in Bangla with example sentences
this Basic English Speaking class - 5 will teach you how to learn English Speaking and writing in bangla.