[Artist Of The Month] Choreo-Record with TXT YEONJUN(연준) | July 2021 (ENG/JPN SUB)
[Artist Of The Month] Choreography Record with TOMORROW X TOGETHER YEONJUN
[Artist Of The Month] Choreography Record with 투모로우바이투게더 연준
스춤을 달군 7월의 아티스트 연준🔥
연습실 영상부터 진솔한 인터뷰까지!
(16:25) TXT 멤버들의 냉정한 평가 현장😂
[Artist Of The Month] 'Watermelon Sugar' X 'BLOW' covered by TXT YEONJUN
▶️ https://youtu.be/5jRaQBcgJW8
[Artist Of The Month]
'Artist of The Month' allows you to hear K-POP Artists' dance philosophy with their special performance only for STUDIO CHOOM audience.
Welcome to the new K-POP Dance journey of STUDIO CHOOM with your favorite K-POP Artists!
‘Artist Of The Month’ present by 스튜디오 춤
K-POP 아티스트의 특별한 퍼포먼스와 춤과 함께했던 모든 순간들을 들어보는 시간
#ArtistOfTheMonth #AOTM #YEONJUN
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