Upon seeing Arval for the first time and hearing his first spoken lines in the trailers, intrigue immediately came over enthusiastic Fodlan fans as this being, clad in white, was meant to be the counterpart to Sothis. Upon realizing his garments looked very similar to Kronya, the possibility that Arval was Agarthan spurred curiosity even more.
This is an in depth look into Arval and Epimenides. This video contains spoilers for Scarlet Blaze, Azure Gleam and Golden Wildfire.
Script Writers:
Fire Emblem (Warriors 2): Three Hopes is a spin-off title based on Fire Emblem Three Houses. Its an alternate universe that also introduces new characters into the world of Fodlan. This analysis contains story spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
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Join Fire Emblem™: Three Houses characters as you engage in massive battles across Fódlan
Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, and other Fire Emblem: Three Houses characters return to put their combat expertise on display as you revisit a war-torn Fódlan.
Cut through hordes of enemies as characters from the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game. Take down dozens of foes with Edelgard’s axe or Dimitri’s lance, or blast enemies from a distance with Claude’s bow. Slash, swing, and spear your way to a brighter future for Fódlan.
Step into the shoes of Shez, as they meet Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, and other Fire Emblem™: Three Houses characters as you fight for the future of Fódlan. Align with a leader to build and command an army in 1 vs. 1,000-style battles and deep strategy. The house you choose will bring you through one of three compelling stories, each with a different outcome. Coming to Nintendo Switch June 24, 2022.
#fireemblemwarriors, #FireEmblem, #threehopes