Album: Asha | আশা
Singer: Doly Sayontoni
Music: Mehedi
Label: Soundtek
Online Partner: POD
00:00 Pranbondhu (প্রাণবন্ধু)
lyrics & tune: Shah Abdul Karim
03:25 Krishnoshadhon (কৃষ্ণসাধন)
lyrics & tune: collected
08:48 Piriti Baraila (পিরীতি বাড়াইলা)
lyrics & tune: Shah Abdul Karim
14:21 Kenoba Tare (কেনবা তারে)
lyrics & tune: collected
18:15 Manure (মানুরে)
lyrics & tune: collected
22:05 Doyalguru (দয়াল গুরু)
lyrics & tune: collected
26:43 Kul hara (কুলহারা)
lyrics: Ahmed Risvi & tune: Shah Abdul Karim
30:44 Sonabondhe (সোনাবন্দে)
lyrics & tune: Chan Miya
34:48 Rongila Biral (রঙিলা বিড়াল)
lyrics & tune: collected
37:58 Jala (জ্বালা)
lyrics & tune: collected
42:38 Mon Tore (মন তোরে)
lyrics & tune: Hasan Motiur Rahman
48:08 Tumi Janona (তুমি জানোনা)
lyrics & tune: collected
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#Soundtek2020 #DolySayontoni