This is just a part of my knowledge about firm staccato but you can get much more in my online lessons.Feel free to visit my website All my students have got a very good firm staccato using my method
I don't teach only firm staccato, but how to improve general technique of the right hand and sound production using the most difficult stroke like firm staccato.
I offer the violin lessons in person and on line using the unique method "The Shonert Technique", which is effective for students from 8 to 65 years old.
The prestigious British magazine The Strad wrote about Alexander Shonert: “It is admirable that he is willing to use his own phenomenal playing ability to illustrate his theories, and to share his skill with colleagues in an open fashion.”
He also explains the basics of his methodology in his book“Advanced Violin Techniques, Vol. I”, which you can order on his web-site:
. "Firstly, you need to understand yourself and then to teach your hands".