i am seriously speechless. i hope this video emphasizes my love and appreciation for you guys, i could literally not be able to thank you enough for the anount of happiness you make me feel 😭
if you want to contact me for sponsorships/collabs: [email protected]
instagram: frankoceanlvr11
tik tok: asmrsynna
now that i have more time to film, i’m doing customs again !! if you’ve contacted me for one, just message me again if you’re interested 🤍
1. email me through [email protected] to request a video - this has to include:
- what you want the video to include (can be literally anything except inappropriate content or fully spanish content)
- the duration of the video
2. payments are made through patreon at https://www.patreon.com/synnaasmr
- PLEASE DON’T SIGN UP TO A TIER UNTIL I’VE CONFIRMED THAT I’LL DO A VIDEO (you can risk not getting the video if you do so)
- remember to sign off the tier pledge after you’ve gotten the video, or else you will be charged in the following months
3. i send the content through google drive
that’s all guys 🤍 i would really appreciate it if you considered purchasing a video 🙏 you’ll get the content pretty quickly, often the same day as you’ve done the payment. remember that i can do literally anything, although you haven’t seen it on my channel before 😇 thank you so much !!