In this science talk for bedtime, with hand movement and background white noise, I review the periodic table of the elements methodically and explain in simple terms plenty of phenomenons and concepts about chemistry and physics (the structure of atoms, valence and reactivity, isotopes, allotropes, ionic compounds, the definitions of metals, metalloids or noble gases, radioactivity...) as well as the industrial and economic relevance of some of these elements.
Credits: Script and narration by the French Whisperer, visuals by the French Whisperer, under Wikipedia Commons, or under license from Panthermedia, Canstock, Shutterstock and Freepik. Sound effects and music from the YouTube Audio Library for Creators.
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0:00 Periodic Table
1:17 Self-promotion
3:01 (1) Hydrogen and Atoms
12:11 (2) Helium, Electrons, Reactivity and Noble Gases
23:27 (3) Lithium and Alkali Metals
29:23 (4) Beryllium
31:35 (5) Boron, Isotopes and Neutron Absorption
36:36 (6) Carbon, Allotropes and Biology
42:01 (7) Nitrogen
43:22 (8) Oxygen, Breathing and Ozone
46:44 (9) Fluorine and Halogens
49:15 (10) Neon and Neon Tubes
52:24 (11) Sodium, Salts and Ionic Compounds
56:55 (12) Magnesium and Definitions of Metals
1:05:07 (13) Aluminium, Bauxite and Alumina
1:14:44 (14) Silicon, Silicones and Semiconductors
1:20:22 (15) Phosphorus
1:23:10 (16) Sulfur
1:25:34 (17) Chlorine, Ancient Concept of Elements, Timeline
1:34:11 (18) Argon
1:35:32 (19) Potassium
1:37:43 (20) Calcium
1:39:27 (21) Scandium and rare-earth metals
1:42:05 (22) Titanium
1:43:33 (23) Vanadium, (24) Chromium, (25) Manganese
1:47:00 (26) Iron, Exothermic and Endothermic Fusions, Why is There so Much Iron?
1:57:59 (27) Cobalt
2:00:16 (28) Nickel
2:01:52 (29) Copper
2:05:42 (30) Zinc, Ore Refining, Froth Flotation
2:13:00 (31) Gallium, (32) Germanium, Metalloids
2:16:04 (33) Arsenic
2:19:08 (34) Selenium to (37) Rubidium
2:22:14 (38) Strontium and Radioactivity
2:24:33 (39) Yttrium to (44) Ruthenium
2:27:10 (45) Rhodium and (46) Palladium
2:29:00 (47) Silver to (53) Iodine
2:31:30 (54) Xenon, Beta Decay, Poisoning of Nuclear Reactors
2:39:41 (55) Cesium to (73) Tantalum
2:42:50 (74) Tungsten
2:45:02 (75) Rhenium to (77) Iridium
2:47:33 (78) Platinum and (79) Gold
2:51:05 (80) Mercury, (81) Thallium, Heavy Metals
2:53:15 (82) Lead and (83) Bismuth
2:55:26 (84) Polonium and Heavy Radioactive Elements
2:58:26 (85) Astatine, (86) Radon and Half Life
3:01:16 (87) Francium to (94) Plutonium
3:04:50 (95) Americium to (118) Oganesson