An Australian man's voice (#AussieASMRMan) is quietly whispering and chewing gum in this map video of #croatia and surrounding countries. This is a combined video of the first and second Croatia map drawing & colouring-in videos. He also discusses some key Croatian facts, such as population, history and famous. Autonomous sensory meridian response #asmr . All the discussion is done in a quiet whisper, while #chewinggum. @AussieAsmrMan
0:00 Intro & PK
2:14 Tracing the Map
17:15 Colouring-in Croatia
24:13 Shavings & Brushing
28:18 Colouring-in the Sea
28:25 Future Map Videos (my thoughts)
29:18 Colouring-in the Sea (continued)
33:13 Some Facts
36:33 Finishing Up