I have prepared a very special ASMR massage therapy for people experiencing panic attack right now. A wonderful experience will be waiting for you with special layered sounds, different massage techniques, personal attention and a special compilation of ASMR triggers that will help you sleep.
A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear that triggers severe physical reactions when there is no real danger or apparent cause. Panic attacks can be very frightening.During a panic attack, you might think you're losing control, having a heart attack, or even dying.
Focusing on the sounds and visuals in an ASMR video can distract you from the rising anxiety and physical symptoms of a panic attack. This distraction can buy you some time to allow the relaxation response to kick in.
That's why, we are here! I have prepared a special massage video to slow down these panic attack symptoms or help you focus your attention elsewhere. A longer and different therapy will be waiting for you with new objects, massage techniques, different layered sounds, and facial cleaning techniques.
Of course, the purpose of this video is just to make you feel better or to distract your mind to alleviate the situation you are experiencing.
I love you my special friend. Please be strong and remember that you have a friend here who loves you!
Disclaimer: This video contains ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) content, which is designed to induce a relaxing or tingling sensation in some viewers.
I am not a Reiki master or healer and I am not a healthcare professional. So, this video cannot replace any medication or professional treatment.
00:00 Preview
00:44 Facial cleansing with massager soap
04:22 Scalp massage
06:28 Facial scrubbing
07:49 Cold face roller
10:07 Cold compression therapy
12:10 Healing water and cooling therapy
14:36 Ear massage
17:55 Forehead massage
20:56 Under eye bags massage
24:11 Healing water and cooling therapy
26:02 Scalp massage with wooden massager
27:29 Cheek massage
30:23 All triggers in a row
53:12 Compilation of my previous massage therapies