#asmrpageturning #asmrcrinklypaper
New footage from new footage from 02:37:09 - 03:22:52!
I hope to help you escape into another world with no less than 8 hours of crinkly page turning. Made especially for those of you that don't want their listening time interrupted by annoying ads.
You can hit Play on this video the moment you get to bed, and if all goes well, the end-roll ads 8 hours later, will serve as an alarm clock to wake you up. 🕗
There's new footage from 02:37:09 - 03:22:52, where I'm flipping through a catalogue, but the remainder of the video consists of a compilation of older ASMR Crinkly Page Turning videos, mostly the ones viewers have enjoyed the most on this channel.
There is very little page squeezing. No finger licking (can't bring myself to go there).
I hope you'll enjoy. 🎧
Thank you for being here.
Take good care of yourself. - ❤ Kat
Here are other "8 Hours of ASMR" videos on this channel:
💤 ASMR 8 HOURS of Plastic Sheet Protector Sounds ✨ Fall Asleep • No Talking
💤 ASMR Newspapers • 8 Hours 🕗 of Page Turning • No Talking
Many thanks to some lovely people who've supported this channel with Super Thanks:
(in alphabetical order)
@Adras Eliades aka Saige ❤
@Carolyn B ❤
@Carolyn Hoffman ❤
@Coasterdude02149 ❤
@cfarina5470 ❤
@Darren Dixon ❤
@francoisgrenier4919 ❤
@gwensmith2467 ❤
@Hannah Olsen ❤
@judithsomersett5323 ❤
@Ken A ❤
@k9tattoo948 ❤
@laurasamples6832 ❤
@ManavgatFan ❤
@megangoodwin4516 ❤
@nathalielelan8611 ❤
@noleenanthony-bruce3502 ❤
@pserotta (Paul) ❤
@psypocat ❤
@Rene Flores ❤
@rnmiles33 (Rebecca) ❤
@Sonish Patel ❤