So it's officially Fall y'all! Have to take a trip to Portland Consignment Shop because the store owner always has seasonal decor. Melissa is a wonderful lady who accommodates me and my quirky ASMR habit. She got a new puppy that she is keeping in the store with her. She let me pet the pooch and allowed me to film her holding it as well. Yippee! Everyone loves puppies! And I am pretty sure that everyone loves Melissa too. I know I do.
Important Notice: If you see something at this store that you must have, the store owners are willing to ship ONLY SMALL ITEMS and will charge the appropriate shipping costs.
For a fabulous cup of Low Acid Coffee
My lovely intros by Terry Carr
Mailing address:
Rebecca's Beautiful ASMR Addiction
P.O. Box 72
Portland, TN 37148
Tip Jar 🍯:
Please: Only tip out of an overflow of your own blessings.
Key Words:
ASMR, ASMR Relaxing sounds, ASMR sounds for sleeping, ASMR Immunity, ASMR intoxicating sounds, ASMR sound therapy, ASMR calming sounds, ASMR help for anxiety, ASMR Insomnia help, ASMR Nostalgia, Rebeccas Beautiful ASMR, Rebecca’s Beautiful ASMR Addiction, ASMR Shopping, ASMR Portland Consignment Shop, ASMR Thrift Shop, ASMR Second hand shop, ASMR No talking,