[ASMR] FAST doctor appointment (ears, eyes, skin, scalp, nose, mouth)
0:00 Intro (checking heart, lungs and temperature)
2:30 Ear exam
4:30 Sponsor
6:30 Back to ear exam
8:20 Eye exam
21:56 Skin exam
24:50 Testing your smell, taste & touch
26:38 Mouth & Nose exam
28:25 Scalp checkup
30:10 Random tests
My patreon: https://patreon.com/maggyASMR?utm_med...
Business inquiries: [email protected]
(DO NOT contact me for anything NSFW-related)
Lytmi website : https://bit.ly/4iJZAua
- Discount code for 10% off your purchase: maggyasmr
Amazon link (US): https://bit.ly/407ncSm
Amazon link (UK): https://bit.ly/41OS3Ek
- Automatically 10% off your purchase through these links
If you would like to support me I have a donation page right here:
Thank you 💚
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