Hi guys! Welcome to The Adora Asethetic💕 I brought you a first-person video of acne treatment, which was quite popular in the last vote. I was going to upload the nail video first, but it's taking longer than I thought😥 I'll edit that video quickly and get it😊 See you at that time again~ Goodnight😘
Paypal : https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=4MKQ9ZPXWPE6N&source=url
- Thank you for your support, Zsófia Horváth, Kenneth Ertveldt❤
00:00 Preview
01:22 Hair Band
01:51 Cleansing
06:38 Pimple Popping
13:20 Laser therapy
- 13:20 Soothing gel
- 17:21 Laser
18:46 Sponge
20:30 Peel-off pack (W/Scalp massage)
28:31 Glow cream
33:43 Facial Cream
📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adora_asmr/
📬 Email: [email protected]
#ASMR #AdoraASMR #NoTalking