Hi everyone! Thank you so much for listening to this video. I really hope you’re doing okay and that this audio managed to help in some way. Just a heads-up: I included a few elements of binaural audio to create a more immersive experience, so for the best effect, be sure to listen with headphones.
Today’s video is a little different from my usual content, so I’d love to hear what you think. As I’ve mentioned in previous videos, this channel is still a work in progress and your feedback (whether positive or constructive) is much appreciated.
Lastly, please feel free to give me video ideas! Although I have a long list of ideas I’d eventually like to do, now is definitely the time for me to do a bit more “tailored” content for my current subscribers. I’m open to your suggestions in the comments, particularly if they’re liked by multiple people. Most of my videos so far have been improvised, so I can make do with or without a script.
Again, thank you for being here! I appreciate you more than you could ever know :)