통수육!! 수! 육! 튀! 김! 치차론✨ 불닭소스 & 과콰몰리 먹방 ASMR MUKBANG | Crispy Fried pork Belly (Chicharron) Fire Sauce
ASMR MUKBANG | Crispy Fried pork Belly (Chicharron) Spicy Fire Sauce & Guacamole
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00:00 Preview
02:12 👩🏻🍳
03:12 Introduction of Today's Meal
03:47 EAT!
16:35 Conclusion
16:55 🐶
English : Ara Kim
Japanese : Yujin
Vietnamese : Phương Thảo
🎈Song : 샛별 - 솜뭉치 / https://youtu.be/X_iSipLXcg0
🎈Song : 샛별 - 당근 밭의 셀러리 / https://youtu.be/FqI9cM6fczU
🎵Music provided by 브금대통령
🎵Track : 등짝스매싱 - https://youtu.be/UNLRynbm7Cc
#먹방 #ASMR #Mukbang