The finest crinkles everywhere you turn in this video. 🌟✨
I'm organizing dozens of pocket tissue packs, using two sock drawer organizers. It's ridiculous how many packets of tissues were lying around in the house.
I usually stock up on them twice a year: at the beginning of allergy season, and at the start of flu season. But when C⨀vid hit, I clearly went overboard, becoming victim to an uncontrolled tissue shopping spree.🙄 Don't ask me why, brains are weird.
To keep the tissue packets easily accessible, as well as neat and tidy, I bought a couple of wardrobe organizers from Amazon. You normally use those to store socks or belts in. But hey, they ended up working well for tissue packets, too.
Now the only thing I have to do is make room for these drawer organizers, which will be another challenge in and of itself. Who knows, maybe that'll be material for another ASMR organizational video. Stranger things have happened.
00:00 - 00:05 Intro
00:06 - 21:45 Drawer Organizer 1
21:46 - 33:09 Drawer Organizer 2
Thank you for being here.
Take good care of yourself. - ❤ Kat
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