Let me know in the comments what other therapist topics you’d like to see!
Sorry about the freezing issues the first time this was uploaded. My computer is struggling to export correctly after I did some updates.
Hello friends! Welcome to another appointment with therapist Veda.
In today's soft spoken role play, you will be attending your first therapy appointment for anxiety. I will ask you several questions to determine whether you have generalized anxiety disorder. After that, I’ll give you some information on GAD, and help you practice some coping strategies and relaxation techniques.
Sorry for looking away from the camera during the breathing exercises! I was trying to make sure my hands were in frame. Rookie move. :)
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional or therapist. All of my videos are meant to be enjoyed for relaxation and entertainment purposes only.
Triggers: soft spoken roleplay, asking you questions, iPad writing sounds
Links and Socials
Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/vedaasmr
Attribution for mental health vector in background: Image by a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/gradient-mental-health-logo_11906806.htm#query=therapy%20logo&position=3&from_view=keyword&track=ais"Freepik