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ASMR聞き比べ!!!あなたはどちら派?!Listen and compare! !! !! Which school are you? !!

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YouTurbarberヘアーサロンウイング代表の小野寺です(^_^) いつもYouTubeをご覧くださり有り難うございます♪ 222万回再生のこちらの動画と聞き比べてください!! あなたはどちらが好きですか?! 脳も休まるYouTurbarberのスゴ技シャンプー!! 新年度がはじまりまだまだ落ち着かない日々をお過ごしかも知れませんね。 そんな時は心地のよい音で脳に癒やしを与えると、脳も反応してリフレッシュしてくれます♪きっと心も休まるはず(^_^) さあ!眠れる理容室へようこそ ぜひ仙台にも体験しにいらしてくださいね(^_^) 生配信やりますのでみてやってください! そのためにチャンネル登録よろしくお願いします(^_^) ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ I'm Onodera, the representative of YouTurbarber Hair Salon Wing (^_^) Thank you for visiting YouTube ♪ Compare with this video that has been played 2.22 million times! !! Which do you like better? !! YouTurbarber's amazing shampoo that rests your brain! !! The new year may have begun and you may be spending restless days. In such a case, if you give healing to the brain with a comfortable sound, the brain will react and refresh ♪ It will surely rest your mind (^ _ ^) here we go! Welcome to the sleeping barber Please come and experience Sendai (^_^) I will deliver it live, so please try it! For that, please subscribe to the channel (^_^)
