Asphalt Legends Unite global release is taking place as I'm preparing this video so, while the game becomes available in other platforms, today I've decided to post a detail Asphalt Unite gameplay walkthrough including details that you might have missed! Make sure to subscribe to my channel and stay tuned to not to miss absolutely anything about the new Asphalt Legends Unite upgrades and any upcoming infos about this racing game!
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0:00 - Intro
0:43 - First Screen
1:00 - Garage & New Cars
2:10 - Garage Levels
2:33 - Inventory
2:47 - Unite Pass
3:38 - Unlock Animation
3:56 - Time Limited Events
4:29 - Special Events & Showroom
5:26 - PS5 Decal and Singapore Track
7:05 - Multiplayer: Season Series
8:36 - Multiplayer: World League
10:27 - Multiplayer Rewards
11:02 - New Gamemode: Team Pursuit
13:40 - Private Room Showcase
14:22 - Clubs & The Clash
15:53 - Secret Car: Chiron Police Car
16:28 - Devel's Nerf (now F5 is better)
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