in fact for me this is the best longtrack I have ever made, and even better than the Infinitathon
and in general, i didn't forget about this song, and finished it! yes, there may be some repeating patterns, but who cares
also song was inprised by Contentment
The first three Backgrounds were photographed by me lol
Last background from Google
Boyfriend sprite by Friday Night Funkin' Team
Bambi, Festival Dave sprites by VS. Dave & Bambi Team
Manbi Phase 2 and 4 sprites by new real
Upheaval Bambi, Anthony, Holy Expunged, UDA, Cessated sprites and other icons by Hortas Edition Team
Theoretical Expunged sprite by @Half_Joke
Theoretical Expunged icon by Strident Crisis Team
True Hortas and icon sprite by @granderutai
Exosphere sprite and icon by Exospheric Corruption Team
Halo Bambi sprite by Manny Edition Team
ReGorBen sprite and icon by me
Opposition Expunged, Hellbreaker sprites and icons by Strident Crisis Team/@RoundCat
Fricklin sprite by @dustthesilly69
Fricklin icon by me
Dan sprite and icon by Nullfield Team
Withered Bambi render and icon by me
Association Conbi renders and icon by me
Opposition Expunged chromatic used Bambi chrom by @INLesor
Bambi, ReGorBen, Withered Bambi chromatics used Bambi chrom by VS. Dave & Bambi Team
Exosphere chromatic by me (took from this https://gamebanana.com/tools/10435 and turned into my own exosphere chrom)
Fricklin, Association Conbi chromatics by me
Hortas chromatic took from Destination FLP
Half of UDA's part by @im_Serde (a collab was planned but it was cancelled)
== Segment 1 ==
0:00 Bambi | BPM: 144
2:39 Upheaval Bambi | BPM: 150
5:13 Anthony | BPM: 138
8:00 Dave | BPM: 156
== Segment 2 ==
10:03 Theoretical Expunged | BPM: 175
11:31 True Hortas joins
13:43 Manbi Phase 2 | BPM: 148
16:44 Holy Expunged | BPM: 135
20:32 Untitled Disoriented Antagonist | BPM: 145
24:31 Association Conbi Round 1 | BPM: 152
== Segment 3 ==
27:27 Cessated | BPM: 164
28:14 Dan joins
30:11 Exosphere | BPM: 149
32:20 Halo Bambi | BPM: 140
34:37 ReGorBen | BPM: 180
== Segment 4 ==
37:07 Opposition Expunged | BPM: 202
38:41 Withered Bambi joins
40:16 Fricklin | BPM: 197
43:31 Hellbreaker | BPM: 213
47:08 Manbi Phase 4 | BPM: 226
51:40 Association Conbi Round 2 | BPM: 235
== Segment 5 ==
54:56 Segment 1 Team | BPM: 125
58:30 Segment 2 Team
1:02:36 Segment 3 Team | BPM: 120
1:06:52 Segment 4 Team
== Final Segment ==
1:10:05 Boyfriend's Team Solo | BPM: 115
1:11:11 Association Conbi Round 3
1:13:25 Everyone Separately
1:15:38 Association Conbi Last Round
1:17:52 The End
FLP Download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xs58TL0sY9r0nI5fmCQDYF_sohl2WMww?usp=drive_link
Separate Instrumental and Voices:
Video made with FL Studio ZGameEditor Visualizer plugin
Effect author credits:
DNBShader - silkycell https://www.youtube.com/@kautaruma
Linear - StevenM,Dubswitcher,Youlean
Youlean Audio Shake - Youlean
TextDraw, Blooming - Jph Wacheski http://jph_wacheski.itch.io/
#daveandbambi #fridaynightfunkin #fnf #bambi #bambifnf #dave #fnfsong #fantrackdaveandbambifnf #daveandbambifantrack #bambifantrack #goldenapple #goldenapplefnf #gapple #music #song #spam #track #fantrack #flstudio #flstudio21 #expunged #bandu #spamtrack #chart #fnfchart #charts #chartshowcase #showcase
(Cheemy tags :troll:)
dave and bambi, dave, Bambi, fnf, fnfdaveandbambi, Friday night funkin, expunged, 3d Bambi, 3d dave. brobgonal, bandu, bendu, enough, fraud, handi, unfairness, cheating, Tristan, maze, blocked, polygonized, splitathon, boyfriend, bf, shorts, shortvideo, short, shortsvideo, disruptionbambi, bambibambibambi, davesusmoggus, funny, shorts, fnfd&b, drawing, speedart, music, fnfcovers, daveandbambibutsing, everyone sings, everyone sings it, flstudio, moldygh, marcellobasics_03, bambibreakphone, ff, funky Friday, 1v1 fnf, funkyfriday1v1, fnfmods, fridaynightfunkin mods, funky Friday live, stream, live, Friday night funky Friday, fnfff, tabi, whitty, sarvante, ruv, mcm, mistful crimson morning, SpongeBob, SpongeBob fnf, SpongeBob SquarePants, squidward, squidward fnf, squidward tentacles, Patrick, Patrick fnf, Patrick star
#dave #bambifantrack #fantrack #fnf #fnfsong #fridaynightfunkin #song #bambi #daveandbambi #daveandbambifnf