डॉ. प्रमोद दाधीच के साथ अपॉइंटमेंट बुक करने के लिए कृपया नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें -https://thydoc.com/ajmer/respiratory-medicine-pulmonology/dr-pramod-dadhich
या कॉल करे - 9887887805
इस वीडियो में अजमेर के अनुभवी सीनियर चेस्ट स्पेशलिस्ट डॉ. प्रमोद दाधीच ने विस्तार से बताया है की अस्थमा (दमा ) रोग क्या होता है ,अस्थमा (दमा) रोग के क्या कारण होते है, अस्थमा (दमा) रोग के क्या लक्षण होते है, अस्थमा (दमा) रोग की जाँच कैसे की जाती है ,अस्थमा (दमा) का इलाज कैसे किया जाता है, अस्थमा (दमा) रोग से बचाव कैसे किया जाता है I
इसलिए इस वीडियो को आखरी तक पूरा देखें I
In this video, Ajmer's experienced Senior Chest Specialist, Pulmonologist Dr. Pramod Dadhich has explained in detail about asthma, causes of asthma, symptoms of asthma, investigations done to diagnose asthma, and the ways to treat and prevent asthma.
Watch the full video and subscribe to our channel to get authentic medical information.
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Thanks and regards,
Dr. Divaanshu Gupta MBBS, MD (ANAESTHESIA)
About our channel: We are a team of young, passionate, seasoned doctors on a noble quest to ensure quality and cost-effective healthcare for one-and-all! We have good experience working in both government and private corporate hospitals.
This youtube channel is created by us to educate the public about various aspects of health, fitness, diseases, and healthcare facilities and to make everyone understand basic medical science in a simple, patient-friendly language that is easy to decipher. The content of our videos is from authentic medical sources like various Medical Textbooks, CDC, WHO, MOHFW, National Library of Medicine (NLM), etc.
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The following topics related to causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & preventive tips of asthma and asthma attack have been explained in Hindi in this video by Senior Pulmonologist, chest & sleep specialist of Ajmer Dr. Pramod Dadhich :
asthma kya hota hai
asthma treatment
asthma symptoms
asthma ke karan
asthma ke lakshan kya hote hai
asthma kaise hota hai
asthma ke liye kya karna chahie
asthma kaise dur kare
dr pramod dadhich
asthma ke liye exercise