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終結教育舊思維:苑舉正 at TEDxTaipei 2014

TEDxTaipei 370,411 10 years ago
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「我們都知道教育需要改革,但我們不知道改革應該要走的方向。」—苑舉正 教育改革的不斷失敗與低落的教學素質,台灣教育如今失去了方向與意義,扼殺許多孩子對於學習的熱忱。苑舉正教授提出經驗主義代表-洛克(John Locke)的教育觀,主張教育的目標是道德本性的養成,而非表面的學識能力,學校只是人生中一小部分的學習過程,學會如何明辨是非善惡才是最要的終身課題。 講者:苑舉正(JJ Yuann) 苑舉正教授現為國立台灣大學哲學系教授,他長期透過媒體、演講與撰文的方式,推廣哲學教育。苑教授擅於將哲學教育活用,談科學哲學、政治哲學等等,藉由各種普及教育的方式,讓大眾體認哲學思想的價值,並培養公民素養與社會關懷的思維。 苑教授近期在Coursera線上課程中,開闢一門「活用希臘哲學」課程。他相信,所有的哲學思想有其核心結構可以沿用到世界各個角落,希臘哲學的精意也能夠顯現在我們台灣人日常生活之中。希臘哲學對政治的批判、對性向的寬容、對社會不平等的理解,甚至對經濟特權的強調,將有助於我們從哲學的觀點理解平日社會中比較少觸及的議題。這些價值的體會與應用有助於我們看清社會發展的動態,能夠應用於生活之中。 Professor Jeu-Jenq Yuann is a faculty member of the Department of Philosophy at the National Taiwan University. His area of expertise is in philosophy of science and political philosophy. He has recently launched a popular course on Coursera titled, "Understanding the Greek Philosophy". This online course presents the core tenets of Western philosophical thinking, and gives a holistic perspective of how ancient Greek ideas and concepts may be applied to address social challenges facing Taiwan today. Professor Yuann is a proponent of applied philosophy in our current education curriculum. Throughout his talks and writings, he points out why philosophical studies is essential in our society today: Philosophy's range encompasses ideas and issues in every domain of human existence. Philosophical training enhances our problem-solving capacities, our abilities to understand and express ideas, and our persuasive powers. By understanding the fundamental values of philosophy, Professor Yuann believes that everyone can develop not only philosophical skills and sophistications but also intellectual abilities that are readily applicable to pursuits of in other subject areas, even problems in everyday social or personal life. TEDxTaipei 官網: TEDxTaipei 官方臉書: TEDxTaipei Google+: Help us caption & translate this video! Help us caption & translate this video!
