An Atheist Doctor finds Jesus after doing research of his own PLUS after getting a visitation from what apparently was an angel!
When Dr. Greg Veeman brings up the Apostles Paul conversion, after years of considering evidences for Christianity, the conversions of the early skeptics always hits me the most.
How do we explain someone who is supporting Christian's being killed to being someone who is being persecuted as a Christian?
How do we explain Jesus' brother James. In the gospels, Jesus' brothers think he is nuts with his messianic claims. Yet, his brother James goes on to be martyred for his faith and the mardydom of James is recorded in the Antiquties of Josephus, the most trusted first century Jewish historian.
Or how about the change in the apostles?
Why does Peter deny Jesus in the New Testament, but then go on to be martyred for Christ?
The martydom of Peter is historically verfied in Clement's letter to the Corinthians in the first centry.
Clement being a first century bishop in Rome.
The best explaination for all of these radical changes is the resurrection of Jesus from the Dead. His resurrection provided undeniable evidence for his claims.
So, even his own family who thought he was off his rocker went on to proclaim him as Lord.
As his brother wrote in James:
James, a Servant of God and of The Lord Jesus Christ.
Or in James 2 : My brothers, sho no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of Glory
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