Produced by the Atheist Community of Austin.
The Atheist Experience #814 Clip.
Hosted by Matt Dillahunty & Tracie Harris.
May 19, 2013.
Meet Paul from Pottsville, Pa. Paul calls the show to propose a scenario regarding evolution where a woman runs into a burning building that contains a puppy and a baby. The woman has the choice to save one, but not both. He states the woman saves the puppy, and leaves the baby to die. He wonders as an atheist if Matt or Tracie has a problem with her decision. Matt and Tracie seem to be confused about the scenario, and finally discover Paul has a pretty low opinion of Atheists. Paul states in public Atheists should identify as Humanists so when people meet them they will know they care about their children and aren't evil. Matt states the problem with the perceived evil of Atheists originates with the Religious, and it's their problem not Atheists. It's obvious Paul understands most people believe Atheists are just waiting to steal and eat their children, so using a different label might help. Paul misses the point that no matter what name you put on it, the religious will always demonize the non-believer. Besides Paul I gave up eating children years ago. Too many empty calories. Enjoy.
TalkOrigins Index of Creationist Claims Debunked:
Iron Chariots: An excellent resource for Counter-apologetics.
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The Atheist Experience TV Show
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