We do what we have to do to survive our childhoods, to get our needs met and to get our caregivers to give us what they can, and these strategies help us in childhood.
But, in our adult lives, those same strategies can significantly contribute to the destruction of love and relationships.
How? Well, if I believe I must always sacrifice my needs for yours, or if I believe that I must do everything on my own, and that vulnerability is not to be trusted, it will likely manifest in a million different ways in my relationship -- and most of them will be unhappy, discontent, lonely, isolated, disappointed, wounded or angry manifestations.
This video explores how Attachment Style behaviors can destroy love and relationships, by focusing on two of the most common Attachment Theory Styles: Avoidant and Anxious Attachment.
There are four Attachment Styles: Secure, Insecure Anxious, Insecure Avoidant and Disorganized - please see my playlist for lots more info on Attachment Theory Styles, Mothering and Caregiving Styles in Attachment, Avoidant, Anxious, Secure and Disorganized Attachment styles.... and what they look like in childhood, in parenting, in real life and in real relationships.