Channel rules/Same goes for premieres or livestreams:
1. Be Nice
2. The only swear word I allow on here is “Damn”
3. Don’t ask to become moderator until I contact you
4. Roleplays on my livestream chats are prohibited.
5. No racism
6. No offending others including me
7. Absolutely no drama
8. No discussing religion
9. If you want to use my videos for your content, please credit me
10. Last but not least, Like, comment & subscribe for more awesome content!
Things you’ll get banned for:
Begging for mod on my premieres/livestreams
Having a jerk type behavior
Starting a drama
Forcing me to do certain content
Having a profile picture and a username that is inappropriate
Anyway that’s all and I hope you enjoy my livestream👉🔔👈😁👍