7-year-old Mira and 5-year-old Chloe want to take actions to help save endangered animals. They draw, they create and they donate all the profit to wildlife charities. Visit their shop https://www.mirachloe.com
101 ways to Transform your life by Wayne Dyer
On this inspirational audiobook, best-selling author Dr. Wayne W. Dyer offers you 101 ways to make your life more fulfilling and enjoyable. You'll love listening to Dr. Dyer's transformational thoughts, including these:
Forgive yourself for your transgressions. See that mistakes are lessons for you to transcend. Release yourself from the tyranny of self-recrimination. Make the decision to be free.
Become aware that there are no accidents in our intelligent universe. Realize that everything that shows up in your life has something to teach you. Appreciate everyone and everything in your life.