Turns out I've learned some things by feeling misunderstood, things that feel super valuable! So it's turned into yet another wonderful gift or a reward of sorts, for my presence on here. Thank you!
Hopefully I managed to avoid offense, but apologies if I stepped into any holes with this one.
Intro/outtro music is Schubert's String Quartet No., 14, "Death and the Maiden", check out a real recording (not my version played on all violas😆) by the Alban Berg Quartet here (not a sponsor obviously haha), if you want to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otdayisyIiM
0:00 hi!
0:09 Schubert "Death and the Maiden" mvt 1
0:14 you all be leaving some InTerEsTinG comments
1:23 firstly - autism or neurodivergent related
10:03 secondly - addiction
18:15 thirdly - social media
20:15 the comments are for everyone! I have learned
21:44 conclusion - thank YOU for deeper understanding
22:32 a pervasive landscape of CONSUMERISM surrounds us
#nobuy2025 #projectnobuy