What do we get if we combine events, workflows, GitOps, progressive delivery, and secrets management? The short answer is that we get automation of everything in Kubernetes in a way that we should be operating in 2021.
We'll combine Argo Events, Workflows & Pipelines, CD, and Rollouts and sprinkle all that with SealedSecrets, Kaniko, and a few other tools.
#argo #kubernetes #automation
Timecodes ⏱:
00:00 Intro
01:08 Setup
04:07 GitOps deployments
12:43 Events and workflows
22:19 GitOps upgrades
23:50 Canary deployments
26:00 Final thoughts
➡ Gist with the commands: N/A (the Gist is not working anymore since quite a few things changed since I created the video).
🔗 Argo Workflows: https://argoproj.github.io/projects/argo
🎬 Argo CD: https://youtu.be/vpWQeoaiRM4
🎬 Argo Events: https://youtu.be/sUPkGChvD54
🎬 Argo Rollouts: https://youtu.be/84Ky0aPbHvY
🎬 Kaniko: https://youtu.be/EgwVQN6GNJg
🎬 Sealed Secrets: https://youtu.be/xd2QoV6GJlc
🎬 Kustomize: https://youtu.be/Twtbg6LFnAg
📚 DevOps Catalog, Patterns, And Blueprints: https://www.devopstoolkitseries.com/posts/catalog/
📚 Books and courses: https://www.devopstoolkitseries.com
🎤 Podcast: https://www.devopsparadox.com/
💬 Live streams: https://www.youtube.com/c/DevOpsParadox
➡ Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/vfarcic
➡ Follow me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/viktorfarcic/
04:10 The Gist is not working anymore since quite a few things changed since I created the video. Nevertheless, the logic behind the video is as valid as it ever was. The only change is in the manifests.