■ INDIA, VARANASI: One of my absolute all time favourite market hunts took place exactly one year ago in the shopping street leading down to the Ganges river in Varanasi old town. Although I felt my shopping experience was somewhat ruined by the touts that kept derailing my bargaining attempts, it was still such a unique, loud and crazy setting for a shopping trip that I look back upon it with a smile... but also regret!
As this was where I made my greatest purchase you've seen in any of my market hunts: The Varanasi Kali Skull Necklace! I wish I'd bought 10 instead of 1!
So this week when I found myself missing a connecting flight in Delhi due to illness, and faced with having to buy a new ticket for $450 USD, I decided to see what the price were to Varanasi instead. It was $50 which meant the choice was already made for me.
So on to Varanasi I flew for another market hunt for more skull necklaces in India's holiest city.
■ Skull necklace vendor e-mail: rajesh23387@gmail.com
■ Varanasi Market Stalkers 2023 🇮🇳
■ The Varanasi Experience 🇮🇳
■ Cycling Chennai: The Iron Horse Acquisition 🇮🇳