Charlene Harbour just finished up her first Avon campaign, and she has 47 customers! I'm back at her kitchen table to complete her training as a new Avon representative!! Today, we'll be talking about how to fill out her crinkly purchase order, call on potential customers for new orders, and learn to use fragrance samples during house calls.
In this video, you'll hear lots of nostalgic sounds, from the heavy plastic compartments of my Beauty Showcase, to pocketbook rummaging, to the crinkly vintage pages of authentic Avon brochures, booklets, and other paper materials. Gentle, comforting, soft-spoken voice with lots of explaining.
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Sherri 💚
#ASMR #softspoken #Avon #forsleep
0:00 Purse Rummaging
5:06 Crinkly Purchase Order (Explanation)
20:01 Heavy Plastic/Vinyl Beauty Showcase
22:59 Cardboard and Plastic Sample Cases
27:45 Vintage Training Brochure (Reading)
45:47 Beauty Book (Reading)
54:52 Cardboard Sample Case & Glass Bottles
58:42 Packing up Vinyl Beauty Showcase