- Hi friends, we are planning to start AWS DevOps training classes from August 14th 2023 onwards, interested candidates please ping me on Instagram account.
Demo session links below:
aws devops demo session telugu-august
Monday, August 14 · 9:00 – 10:30am
Time zone: Asia/Kolkata
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/hip-qewb-dde
aws devops demo session English-august
Monday, August 14 · 4:00 – 5:30pm
Time zone: Asia/Kolkata
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/ugw-mzac-zvs
this video content chapters
0:00 introduce yourself
02:14 what is branching strategy in git ? which git branching strategy you are using?
04:40 explain what kinds of conflicts you get and how you resolve them?
06:25 Can you explain what is CICD ?
08:07 do you have knowledge on writing jenkinsfile? and can you write sample jenkins file and explain it?
13:12 how to schedule builds in jenkins?
14:49 what is docker?
15:23 what is the difference between ADD and COPY?
17:01 difference between ENTRYPOINT and CMD?
18:49 what is dockerfile?
19:58 can you write sample dokerfile and explain it?
23:03 how to go inside the running container?
24:04 explain kubernetes architecture?
28:14 what is the difference between kubernetes and docker swarm?
30:26 Is it possible to recover your lost private key ?
32:30 How can you connect your EC2 Instance if you lost your key?
34:03 How you can connect a private subnet with a public subnet ?
34:32 How many types of permissions are there ? What is chmod ?
36:33 Command to check running process ?
36:52 Other than Ps do we have any other command?
37:25 What is the Command to check RAM usage?
39:02 do you have any questions for me?
please watch do watch ,like ,share and subscribe to our channel .
if you want questions and answers for this mock interview please do ping me on instagram.