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डिप्रेशन का स्थायी समाधान आयुर्वेद द्वारा नित्यानंदम श्री Ayurvedic Treatment of Depression with CC

Nityanandam Shree 837,003 8 years ago
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लाखों लोगों ने आजमाया डिप्रेशन का स्थायी समाधान आयुर्वेद द्वारा नित्यानंदम श्री Ayurvedic Treatment of Depression with CC This video is based how to get rid of antidepressants, Depression, Anxiety, lack of sleep, excessive sleep, mood swings, all problems related to nervous system, all problems related to mental disorder, Parkinson, migraine, Restlessness, and many more treatment advised in this video is useful in Ayurvedic treatment for depression in hindi. Ayurvedic treatment of depression in hindi by yogi nityanandam shree Ayurvedic Treatment Bhrami vati ( dabur, jhandu, unjha etc) Bhrami Ghrit (Dabur, jhandu, divya, unjha etc) Sarasvatarist (Dabur, jhandu, patanjali, unjha etc.) 4 almonds (badam) and 1/2 walnut (akhrot) After watching this video if you have some query and questions, please leave comment below. We will forward your query to Nityanandam Shree. #mentaldisorder #depressioncure #ayurvedictreatmentfordepression #nityanandamshree #nityanandamayurveda ========= If you have been frustrated with your life. If you did not find what you wanted from your life. If you are surrounded by negativity in your life. And if you do not know your destination or goal. If you have become a victim of depression and there is no way to get out of it. then follow this natural remedy of depression. Bhrami Ghrit link ============ Enjoy! Thanks For Watching This Video Spread this happiness to all Like and Subscribe ============ DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this channel and its videos is for general purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. We are trying to provide a perfect, valid, specific, detailed information .we are not a licensed professional so make sure with your professional consultant in case you need. All the content published in our channel is our own experience.. In next episodes of samvaad Nityashree will also teach you Yoga for depression, role of ayurveda in Depression Management, Depression Management tips and many more. =========== * DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT THESE VIDEOS ALSO Best Ever Depression Counselling 01 [हिंदी में] Depression Motivation by Yogi Nityanandam Shree Yoga for de addiction and to strengthening your mind Deep Breathing ➤ Kapalbhati Pranayama ➤ Agnisar Kriya ➤ Anulom Vilom Pranayama ➤ Bhramari Pranayama ➤ [Part 01] How to manage stress - in hindi by Nityanandam Shree How to Manage Stress [Part 2] Law of Attraction - How to Manage Stress - In Hindi Playful life - How to manage stress - [In Hindi] Surrender to God - How to Manage Stress Master Key to success - Nityashree ============ Click here for other Youtube channel for Meditation Videos ➤ ============ * SCHEDULE Find New Video Everyday Summer 6 am (IST) Winters 7 am (IST) occasional uploads 2 pm to 6 pm (IST) ============ * CONNECT WITH US Follow us on facebook: ➤ ➤ Google+: ➤ ============ Our website for Yoga, Yogic Diet & Alternate Remedies. ➤ Our website for Meditation & Discourses ➤ Click here to Donate: ➤ ============ *Copyright Information: Owner : Yoga For The Globe We made this with the intention to help others. Please email us if you have any concerns [email protected]/
